domingo, 19 de mayo de 2013

Historic Royal Palaces

Hello classmates!

We know in London an Europe in general existing different place where people go for diversion, look for revive historic moment for country and the world and too for learn about wonderful landscape and majestic buildings. Anyway, Historic Royal Palaces provide to people five majestic structure; Tower of London, Hampton Court Palace, Banqueting House, Kensington Palace, Kew Palace. In this place, they hope to communicate to different person in the world the last events to be important currently. So, How to arrive for this place; in a bus, London Underground, by train, bicycle, in some for example Tower of London people can arrive in a boat. Beside,  the cost to get in is between 21.45 and 5.00, in the Kew Palace is free, too existing special tour with price. So, I like very much see buildings, its structure, forms and colors, beside exclusive details.

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013

¡¡Golden Wedding!!

Hello Classmates!

I will talk about an important celebration in my family, Golden Wedding between my grandmother and my grandfather, my mother’s parents. This event was to August 5th at 2005. Anyway, I remembered we took some month organized this moment, but was funny…. My grandparents decided married again through Catholic´s church, after 50 years together; she used a beautiful white dress!!! And cousins decorated church and organized the ceremony, but the most important for all family were the party before went to wedding!

My grandparents have 8 daughters, 4 men and 4 women, they organized a party in grandparent’s house in Curacaví, invited all family and friends, that many people I didn’t know, but in this event meet and this was great. A house had a beautiful decorations, a long table and others circular tables, had flowers in all parts and ribbons to different colors. Also had game how taca-taca, ping pong, karaoke and others.

So, all people arrived to the church approximately 5 o’clock, we listen words to grandparents, uncles, cousins and friends, took a pictures, ate, drank and danced all night until 7 in the morning. This celebration I will never forget, I like wedding but a golden wedding is amazing!