viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013


Hello Classmates!!!

Today, I will talk about an activity I would like to learn; this is a “Roller-Skate”. Well, I remember, when I was a little child, my cousins, that were older than me, they known roller-skate and tried to learn me, but I was very cowardly.-

Anyway, with the time, I felt that lost a little and wonderful opportunity, I feel failed because before had fear to fall and felt physical pain, and this insecurity take me a stimulating experience. For this reasons, actually, I would like to learn roller-skate, is a failed dream in my life.

But, exiting a problem, still I am very cowardly…. Some days ago, a friend in the University invited me for to roller skate, she told me that in Parque O’Higgins exiting a roller skate courses, where be people that learning, you need rollers skates and protection how helmet and obviously you have to pay from you can to go for some days in the week and weekend. Therefore, this situation motivate me, because I feel that now other time I have the opportunity for become my failed dream.

Anyway, I think that to learn roller skate for me, I will take a long time, because I need to beat my fear for feel pain, but for this the first step I should do is dare to do it!!

lunes, 16 de septiembre de 2013

Nice party!

Hello dear classmates!!

Today I talk about the best party in the year; because this is in spring and all is green, with flowers and wonderful sky, and obviously, because can eat many food without feel guilty!

I remember two years ago, in just date… My mother has 3 sisters and 4 brothers! And all family went to my grandmother and grandfather home in Curacaví, for to celebrate this festivity and share.

The grandmother´s house is bigger with great courtyard, she has two clay oven where was prepared pie (empanadas), besides ate grilled meat a lot and drank chicha, wine and many “earthquakes”.

Well, my uncles went with families and how my grandmother has a little space from play baby football, we play all 18th date, also play with “Volantin” and dancing “cueca”, a Chilean national dance, but I didn´t like to dance this. When I was a little girl, I liked very much dance cueca with my father, always dance “La consentida”, because he sang this song from me, he say me “You always will be my spoilt”, is nice remembered this.

In this week I don´t know how will be make to celebrate this festivity, but only thing I know, I wish to drink earthquakes!

Nice party!

miércoles, 11 de septiembre de 2013


Hello classmates!
This is the first post in the final level to English in geography! And for this reason I decide to talk about what is the English language for me.
Well, I had English since kinder garden; I loved to sing in English with my little classmates and learned how named the object and something that capture our attention; colors, animals, things in the house, vowels and others… When I was a little girl, I loved English in general, but with the time I felt that language isn´t easy for me and I avoided the class and made the works without energy. So, I feel to want learn, but I don´t know why I can´t do it, well, I think how all things and activities, the people have many abilities that allow development particular activities, for this I think that I don´t have the ability with the languages in general.

However, How is the last year with this class, I hope with all my sacrifice can to learn and enjoy the work in the class; written post and speak with my friends and use this chance, because this is English for me, a chance for communicate and look the reality, the many language for learn.