miércoles, 11 de septiembre de 2013


Hello classmates!
This is the first post in the final level to English in geography! And for this reason I decide to talk about what is the English language for me.
Well, I had English since kinder garden; I loved to sing in English with my little classmates and learned how named the object and something that capture our attention; colors, animals, things in the house, vowels and others… When I was a little girl, I loved English in general, but with the time I felt that language isn´t easy for me and I avoided the class and made the works without energy. So, I feel to want learn, but I don´t know why I can´t do it, well, I think how all things and activities, the people have many abilities that allow development particular activities, for this I think that I don´t have the ability with the languages in general.

However, How is the last year with this class, I hope with all my sacrifice can to learn and enjoy the work in the class; written post and speak with my friends and use this chance, because this is English for me, a chance for communicate and look the reality, the many language for learn.

2 comentarios:

  1. Good publication Kassandra, I know that you learn english and be the best.

    See you

  2. You can do it! if you try with energy, you will do it!!
