sábado, 22 de junio de 2013

Quinta Normal

Hello classmates!

In this week I write about a place I like very much to go! This is a park… When I was little and traveled to Santiago, I didn’t like this city because I felt in this was all very quick, didn’t has many colors and only had a big building, I think all was boring… But with the time I discovered that Santiago was more that all building, this city had many place from people can rest and relax; my favorite is a park. Anyway, I remembered the first time when I went with a friend to Quinta Normal; this park is huge and has many entertainment; museum and small artificial lake, green areas and many old and big trees. This park is in commune Quinta Normal in Santiago, before this place was a place used by EAO (Escuela de Artes y Oficios, current Universidad de Santiago) from agriculture studies, but after this changed to a park Quinta Normal… The first time I went to visit the train´s museum at 2011, in this year I studied in USACH and was in strike, so I enjoyed discovering Santiago, other park I like very much is Parque Bicentenario in Providencia.

miércoles, 19 de junio de 2013

Harry Potter

Hello Dear Classmates!

In this week I talk about the most important book in my life, this is Harry Potter, these books was written by the british woman J.K. Rowling, I think these book don’t has an important content, but is in important in my life because with these I stared to read very much, I understand that one book I travel in my mind to others worlds, you can imagine something you never see in your life and this always unique.
When I read all books to Harry Potter´s saga to make before I saw to movies about this books and when I read, I was feeling to be another lead in the book!!! This history about adventure by one child and friends to start for struggle to destroy a “who must not be named” and this adventure to be full to emotions.
So, I remember that the book one, two and three of Harry Potter I must read in the school, my teacher loved to read science fiction. After, I decided to read the books four, five, six and seven; I need to know how to finish this history!!!!

After I went to cinema for I saw the eight movies! But I prefered books!

jueves, 13 de junio de 2013

"Living on my own.... (8)" Freddie Mercury, the best!

Hello dear classmates!

This week I talk about one person I will meet, he is dead, but I am sure many people would like to meet; this is Freddie Mercury, singer to legendary British band Queen.
I don’t remember when first time that I listen Queen, My mom was listening, she like very much this band and always listened, I believe that for my mother I like something legendary bands. So, I like to meet Freddie Mercury because I think he was amazing; his voice and style, I love to see concerts videos; his love for the music and his innate talent was unique and I believe never the fans people to see other Freddie Mercury. Anyway, I talk with him about his history, when he studies theatre and how these experiences influence her job in the music world, the meaning of Queen in his life and what things inspired the song’s lyrics.

When I sad, I like very much to listen my favorite song of Queen, this is “The show must go on”;
"Inside my heart is breaking
my make up may be flaking
but my smile still stays on..."

I remember with this lyric and sound that existing many small details that people forget.

One short day in my holiday....

Hello Classmates! Long time to see you, I forget to write in my blog!

Well, I talk about when I and My friend Camilo climbed to San Cristobal hill. So, I live in curacavi, near to Santiago, when I travel to Santiago, always I see this hill, but I never interested for to go up. But the last holiday I was boring and Camilo send me and proposed this activity.

We took a bus and arrived to subway, traveled since Ecuador until Baquedano, in this station we go down, walked between Barrio Bellavista and arrived at the foot of hill; we started to go up while spoke about different topics, take a pictures, but we had a problem, were tired because in holidays smoke too much! Anyway, we continue until the place that all people visited when go up this hill; the virgin! But we wanted met other places in this hill! We walked until a place deserted, but had something fantastic; we observed Santiago in 360°, you can see all in the city, we were amazing because didn´t find Santiago set out, we took many pictures and were in silence. I think in this moment; as small and big that was all since this place.