lunes, 8 de abril de 2013

My first concert!

Hi Classmates! In this day I will talk about a first concert I went. In December 2011 Babasonicos, an argentine band, arrived to Santiago a Coupolican’s theatre, I liked this band, I didn’t have money but my boyfriend in this time participated in a competition in the electronic newspaper Emol for two tickets. This competition consisted in published a funny comment with song’s letters to argentine band…. And he won! But existed a problem, I didn’t live in Santiago and he had final oral test to first year studying law. So, we decided don’t went, and I traveled to Curacaví and he waited to give his test in Santiago. When I arrived to my house I had wish to go a concert… A time ran and I told me “Kassandra, you must go”, and took shower, ate food and catched a bus to 21’o clock, arrived to Santiago at 22 hours and our concert start now and my boyfriend just finished oral test. We found in subway Baquedano, and took a minibus until 2 blocks the theatre; we ran and arrived at 23 hours. The Caupolican packed with fans people! The atmosphere in this place was amazing! In this day star love Babasonicos and this kind of music!

3 comentarios:

  1. it is a great story!!! when things like that happens before to go a concert you enjoyed so much more!!

    take care!

  2. I love Babasincos¿s band! Did you hear a song called 'CASUALIDAD'?

  3. I really like the song Putita. It's the only song of there's I know.
