lunes, 29 de abril de 2013

My friend

Hello classmates!

 I will talk about my friends in theatre’s group; this was conformed on May 2008, in this time being 8 people, Camilo and Claudio to be friends, but Claudio is the best, we met in the school Curacavi college, with he spoke about any topics for many time! However, when you worked with a group about something that you enjoy doing and with special person in your heart, you started know this, but other way, is wonderful and in this space we find my best friend. So, I like Claudio, is natural, sometimes too sincere, but he always to be when you need entertain or only speak. So, we graduate in the school, he started study sociology in and I high school, in different places.  In this moment, we saw not much time, but when spoke, I felt that time without his company didn’t exist. The last Summer Claudio moved to Argentina, city La Plata, for dreams he had, he dream to study composition in Universidad de La Plata, he went, we always speak by facebook, I talk about his days and I also. I feel sad because he not to be and happy because he is realizing his dream.

2 comentarios:

  1. I hope you don't lose contact with Claudio. I think this is a great friendship!
    Take care!

  2. Ups he is far but the important is the friendship!
