viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013

The job I would like to have!!!

Hello Classmates!!!

In this week I talk about the job I would like to have. Well, in general I don´t like work jaja I prefer sleep a lot.

I had only work in my short life and is very strange because the all jobs the Youngers aspire to have, is not my first job…. I don´t how arrive to it, but I had a job how dentist assistant, well this is my only experience.

But, the job I would like to have is “ambulance driver”, I don´t know, but I imagine that you drive and run in any place and none the rule of transport you must respect. Ok, I know that maybe I hope to have this work in the future for I must think in help somebody, but this reason isn´t stimulate my interesting.

Is funny, because I don´t know drive (obviously I hope to learn quickly), but I wish this work because you can drive against traffic and over the limit of velocity and I think in this situation I imagine this experience should be very exciting .

Is necessary considerate the qualities I need for work in this job; well I don´t became the most important “Know to drive”, also I imagine is necessary wish to help the others without important nobody and know something about first aid.

I don’t know that it is a good job, I don´t wish support my life with this job, only I would like to have because I think that is very exciting!!!

Well, I think that I will not be a good ambulance driver, I imagine me how monkey in the steering wheel!!

See you the next week J

1 comentario:

  1. "Well, I think that I will not be a good ambulance driver, I imagine me how monkey in the steering wheel!" that was funny!
    See you
