viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2013

A funny game!

Hello dear classmates:

In this week I will talk about a game I liked to play when I was a little child.

Well, when I was a child, my mother and father work a lot and my grandmother take care of my cousins and me in the week. The grandmother´s house is big and their backyard also and we had many games where was necessary a lot of imagination, because all game was in our mains.

Some years ago, when in Curacavi rain a lot in the winter and the landscape had many green, in grandmother´s backyard grow many grass and with my cousins game to “hide and seek”, was very funny, because you could drag and surprise to others, we preferred to play this play when was the sun downed.

Other game that we liked to play was “cook”, but for we were cooking and used a lot of flowers and leaf from to prepare many plates, that according to us, was very delicious. Well, also used mud, we saw that it a chocolate and prepared cookies, cake and many details from it.

But my favourite game was used a big and antiquate buggy, with my cousins used this for to go a hill, near my grandmother house, and we went up and with this buggy we went down, was very dangerous and my grandmother always made angry when she discovered that we play it.

Well, I didn´t like very much the table games, but when I was a child I liked play cards with my grandfather, we could hours to play it.

Actually I like play the Pictionary but make the mime, is very funny and I enjoy too.

viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013

The job I would like to have!!!

Hello Classmates!!!

In this week I talk about the job I would like to have. Well, in general I don´t like work jaja I prefer sleep a lot.

I had only work in my short life and is very strange because the all jobs the Youngers aspire to have, is not my first job…. I don´t how arrive to it, but I had a job how dentist assistant, well this is my only experience.

But, the job I would like to have is “ambulance driver”, I don´t know, but I imagine that you drive and run in any place and none the rule of transport you must respect. Ok, I know that maybe I hope to have this work in the future for I must think in help somebody, but this reason isn´t stimulate my interesting.

Is funny, because I don´t know drive (obviously I hope to learn quickly), but I wish this work because you can drive against traffic and over the limit of velocity and I think in this situation I imagine this experience should be very exciting .

Is necessary considerate the qualities I need for work in this job; well I don´t became the most important “Know to drive”, also I imagine is necessary wish to help the others without important nobody and know something about first aid.

I don’t know that it is a good job, I don´t wish support my life with this job, only I would like to have because I think that is very exciting!!!

Well, I think that I will not be a good ambulance driver, I imagine me how monkey in the steering wheel!!

See you the next week J

viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

Nice improvise walk

Hello dear Classmates!

In this week I will talk about my favourite walk…. Mmm but I don´t like to walk too…

Well, the last summer my boyfriend and I were very boring and didn´t want continue to play Wii and decided leave….

He lives in Maipu and we took a bus in the bus stop and it was by Santiago and we decide go down in Baquedano and walk to San Cristobal hill… Well, we went up and constantly we halted from could to saw Santiago and commented about the magnificent that was dimension of city. But the problem there was a big burning sun and we didn´t wear sun block…

When we arrived to summit to San Cristobal hill, we drink a lot of water, sited and talked about the beautiful view since this place, we felt very surprised because never imagine to vast that was Santiago and obviously the different of place that very evident; houses, parks and streets. Also, we saw little people and thought that them smaller than all of city… And thought we also were little to compare with all buildings and a giant Cordillera de Los Andes.

After we continued our travel by San Cristobal hill and while we found the biggest pool where people can to go it… And walked until a very quiet place when only arrive cyclist and runners... We were contemplating Santiago smaller than the world and that we want to know more.

I liked this walk and I would like to do again, I hope don´t go in summer, because the temperature in this time is horrible.

See you J

Free post

Hello dear classmates:

Well, I make the post to late, because I forget it.

In this week I will write about free topic, for this reason I don´t know that topic talk in this moment... well, I speak about something I like very much and I feel happy with this.... It is FOOD J

I like very very much to eat, always, any time... I feel very happy when I eat and for this reason I decide to write about it, because a few hours, when I arrive to my house and I felt sad because I travel to Santiago because I have Glaciology, but after to eat I felt very good and happy.... and in this moment I though “I will talk about it in my post”.

Well, I like eat different savour, since very sweet to very salty, with many condiments and with many colours, But always I like to eat with someone, because I felt when eat I need “share” with something my food and a warm talk.

whether, I don´t know that real is it, but I think that food control encouragement states, condition your stimulus along of day and for this reason I feel is very important to eat accompanied with others... when you consume a lot of sugar, your body respond for this with many energy and with this you can to move today... but the food is not only important for energy, also existing people need food how mechanism to cover the most difficult problem they have!!

See you the next you J

viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

The future

Hello dear Classmates!!

Today I will write about my future in 10 years’ time.  Well, I can´t imagine my future, because sometimes I don´t know that I wish in my life. I think that I can take two path; traditional life or not traditional life, because when I was child I imagine with many friends, smile and with family, but now, I don´t wish this.

Well, I imagine my life in other city, maybe in the south of Chile, but always life in different place, for met many people and enjoy with the diversity of landscape. Also I think I will work how geographer and maybe to make class in the university (I would like make hydrology and glaciology, subject that professor Ferrando actually to do) and I will be study other subject in the university; maybe theater or take someone speciality in Physic Geography and work with my actual theatre group (I hope for this time we have not only theatre group save a foundation without thin non-profit). I don´t imagine with family, maybe with a boyfriend but this is not the most important when I imagine my life. Also, I will achieve to feel that I enjoy my life and take opportunities when I will have one for me.

But I will change the people´s mentality in the world in relation with the environment and that they will be connect with this.

Also I will be travel always and enjoy some day how to be finalized.

Bye Bye

viernes, 1 de noviembre de 2013


Hello dear classmates!!!

Well, I didn´t go to the last class, because I felt very sick and I decide to rest from recuperate me and this week I forget to write in my blog…
Well, I never live an earthquake, but in February 27th at 2010, I was in my first earthquake. So, I remember I went to a party with classmates in the school and make to barbecue and drunk beer a lot; danced and sing with friends in this time; pauli, tuti, carlos, nacha, cristobal and jhon, all this was in Friday during the afternoon in tuti´s house, distant to Curacavi. In the night my father I picked me and my friends asked to my dad that he picked them also. Well, my father leaved their houses to each and final we arrived at home to 2am o´clock approximately and after some time, when I brush my teeth I felt that the earth began to move getting stronger, my mom and my dad were awake, but my little brother, Jose Luis seven years old in this time, slept deeply and he was the most scared.

In curacavi didn´t have water for one day and light for 3 nights and with earthquake replies I think all people felt some to scare. 

viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013

Luna... :)

Hello Classmates!!

Today I will talk about a pet I had some time ago. Well, in general I don´t like animals, because I think they are how little children and this is stressful from me. Anyway, some time ago, I don´t remember with precision, four years ago, approximately, my family decided that we must have a dog…. My Little brother was very happy… Well, the first pet in my house was Luna, she was a beautiful Labrador, when she arrived to my house was a baby dog jajaja a little white ball and I remember when my mom bring to Luna in her arms, a teacher in the school had Labrador and she had dogs and this teacher gave Luna to my mother Elsa.

When Luna was small, she always slept, and I liked to put over my stomach and she walk over this and in my face, this memory is funny… When Luna grows, she made holes in the garden and my father always made angry for it…. She was very loving and always gave love for this person that wished to receive.

 Well, Luna is dead… She death two years ago and this was very very sad from my family… My mom decided to operate it, because Luna didn´t has dogs and after some day, in Sunday morning my mom went to visit Luna, She found dead… All was many sad, I remember that my father and me went to veterinary for reasons... and he didn´t understand that happened.

Well, I remember with love Luna, she was beautiful and hope find with she when I will die and can put in my stomach again and give more love that didn´t give when Luna was with us.

jueves, 17 de octubre de 2013

Special meal :)

Hello dear Classmates!

Today, I will talk about nice meal that I was some time ago. Well, this was not with my family, which was with my boyfriend´s family in March of 2013; in this was Javier´s mother (Sandra) Javier´s father (Nelson) and Javier´s brother (Nicolas) …. The reason for this meal was celebrate the beginning of the year in the school from my boyfriend´s brother and the start the year from Javier and me. Anyway, this special moment was in Sole Mio at Santiago, this is a restaurant with Italian food and before I never go to it.

This meal was special from me, because the atmosphere between conversations with javier´s family, I can felt that I was belonging to this family and I never felt this sensation with other people, even with my uncles and cousins.

Well, the structure of restaurant is amazing, I loved the big stairs and that you can saw the kitchen and the chef prepare your food across the big wall of glass and food was excellent, delicious and obviously, when you ate food and this share with special persons, all is amazing and unforgettable.

Although I had spatial moments with my family, when I read the topic of this week, I think in this immediately. 

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2013

Calafquén Lake

Hello classmates:

Today I´ll talk about a wonderful place that I visited the last summer; this is Calafquen Lake, in Licanray, near Villarrica.

Well, my boyfriend Javier and his family went to a campsite for three week and they invited me… since two years ago, before went with my boyfriend, I went with my family, really we cross for Licanray until Pucón and Caburgua.

Well, The Calafquen Lake is an amazing place, because the contrast between colours; Green in the trees, blue in the sky and dark sand, convert the colour in the water lake in something wonderful and unknown.

The campsite was near Licanray, at the foot the Calafquen Lake, and many people went to holidays; some slept in tent and others in the cabin. So, this place is a close campsite and has a little forest with trail where the people can walk and run.

The most beautiful memory I have in this place is when Javier and me were in the lake and far away we saw how rained intensely and in the place where we be not rain, had sun shine!!! But after some minutes, start to rain and never forget an amazing sensation, I felt happy and free.


viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013


Hello Classmates!!!

Today, I will talk about an activity I would like to learn; this is a “Roller-Skate”. Well, I remember, when I was a little child, my cousins, that were older than me, they known roller-skate and tried to learn me, but I was very cowardly.-

Anyway, with the time, I felt that lost a little and wonderful opportunity, I feel failed because before had fear to fall and felt physical pain, and this insecurity take me a stimulating experience. For this reasons, actually, I would like to learn roller-skate, is a failed dream in my life.

But, exiting a problem, still I am very cowardly…. Some days ago, a friend in the University invited me for to roller skate, she told me that in Parque O’Higgins exiting a roller skate courses, where be people that learning, you need rollers skates and protection how helmet and obviously you have to pay from you can to go for some days in the week and weekend. Therefore, this situation motivate me, because I feel that now other time I have the opportunity for become my failed dream.

Anyway, I think that to learn roller skate for me, I will take a long time, because I need to beat my fear for feel pain, but for this the first step I should do is dare to do it!!

lunes, 16 de septiembre de 2013

Nice party!

Hello dear classmates!!

Today I talk about the best party in the year; because this is in spring and all is green, with flowers and wonderful sky, and obviously, because can eat many food without feel guilty!

I remember two years ago, in just date… My mother has 3 sisters and 4 brothers! And all family went to my grandmother and grandfather home in Curacaví, for to celebrate this festivity and share.

The grandmother´s house is bigger with great courtyard, she has two clay oven where was prepared pie (empanadas), besides ate grilled meat a lot and drank chicha, wine and many “earthquakes”.

Well, my uncles went with families and how my grandmother has a little space from play baby football, we play all 18th date, also play with “Volantin” and dancing “cueca”, a Chilean national dance, but I didn´t like to dance this. When I was a little girl, I liked very much dance cueca with my father, always dance “La consentida”, because he sang this song from me, he say me “You always will be my spoilt”, is nice remembered this.

In this week I don´t know how will be make to celebrate this festivity, but only thing I know, I wish to drink earthquakes!

Nice party!

miércoles, 11 de septiembre de 2013


Hello classmates!
This is the first post in the final level to English in geography! And for this reason I decide to talk about what is the English language for me.
Well, I had English since kinder garden; I loved to sing in English with my little classmates and learned how named the object and something that capture our attention; colors, animals, things in the house, vowels and others… When I was a little girl, I loved English in general, but with the time I felt that language isn´t easy for me and I avoided the class and made the works without energy. So, I feel to want learn, but I don´t know why I can´t do it, well, I think how all things and activities, the people have many abilities that allow development particular activities, for this I think that I don´t have the ability with the languages in general.

However, How is the last year with this class, I hope with all my sacrifice can to learn and enjoy the work in the class; written post and speak with my friends and use this chance, because this is English for me, a chance for communicate and look the reality, the many language for learn.

lunes, 22 de julio de 2013

The final ....!!!!!

Hi dear classmates! It´s a final post in my blog for this semester!! And I want to tell my experience.

I don´t like english, because always forget the words and feel that I never can learn it. Nonetheless, I enjoyed to writte for this cybernetic space, because I can express  my  pleasure about different topics and share with my classmates; especially I know their pleasure used another language.

Well, I like some post, especially  “My favorite photograph” and “The person I wish to meet”, in the first I can express my feeling and the second I can talk about amazing artist in the history of music  that was present in all my life by the pleasure  influence that my mom.

Anyway, I like all post, but… I don´t like to write about  the first post about technology, because I think that the first post must to be very funny, motivating from the students that don´t like english will want  to learn.

So, I like Reading all blogs, specially by my clasmates friends, always to visit more that another blogs. But, the most attractive blog for my is the “blame the jungle” by Raúl, because I write about all topics that teacher expect but he tried to make with dadication, without to see the words that to need, he talk can pleasure… well I think that is it.

Finally, I think the blog is a great chance for the young students to need learn this language, because connect a cybernetic world with to necessity  for learn.

See you J

lunes, 8 de julio de 2013


Hello dear Classmates!

In this week I´d like talk about my favourite series I saw when I was a little girl. It is “Detective Conan” a Japanese manga written by Gosho Aoyama, but some years this converted in anime from TV. The story is about a famous young detective man Shinichi Kudo that was poisoned by bad men, but he didn´t die and he  transformed in a child, change his name by Conan Edogawa and all development in the history he try to discover the bad men that gave the poison.

So, I liked to watch this serie in grandmother´s house with my two cousin; Natalia and Christianne, they had three years more, but always when child were together. We watch detective Conan in Chilevision since Monday until Friday, while we saw, my grandmother prepared something delicious for aet. This was since fourthteen years approximately, when I had six years and my cousins nine years old.

I enjoyed watching Detective Conan because although we known Conan always can exit the problems he never tired from that he wish!  Many animes has this lesson and for this even watch … The last anime I saw to be Full Metal Alchemist, is very good!

Bye Bye!

domingo, 7 de julio de 2013

Bohemian Rhapsody

Hello dear Classmates!!

In this week I´d like talk about the best song for me, this is Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen!
So, I love this song since letter until sound, I like because with this I can feel and relax, I love all songs by queen, but Bohemian Rhapsody has many emotions in only six minutes approximately, obviously is the most important detail Freddie Mercury´s voice, this song was written by Mercury and belongs to the album “A Night at the opera” in 1975. Anyway, for many people Bohemian Rhapsody is the best song in the history of music, Queen in general, they imposed our original style and charisma.
I like this song but I don´t remember when was the first time I listened this song, but I know my mother listened Queen when I was little girl and for these I think to like this kind of music.


sábado, 22 de junio de 2013

Quinta Normal

Hello classmates!

In this week I write about a place I like very much to go! This is a park… When I was little and traveled to Santiago, I didn’t like this city because I felt in this was all very quick, didn’t has many colors and only had a big building, I think all was boring… But with the time I discovered that Santiago was more that all building, this city had many place from people can rest and relax; my favorite is a park. Anyway, I remembered the first time when I went with a friend to Quinta Normal; this park is huge and has many entertainment; museum and small artificial lake, green areas and many old and big trees. This park is in commune Quinta Normal in Santiago, before this place was a place used by EAO (Escuela de Artes y Oficios, current Universidad de Santiago) from agriculture studies, but after this changed to a park Quinta Normal… The first time I went to visit the train´s museum at 2011, in this year I studied in USACH and was in strike, so I enjoyed discovering Santiago, other park I like very much is Parque Bicentenario in Providencia.

miércoles, 19 de junio de 2013

Harry Potter

Hello Dear Classmates!

In this week I talk about the most important book in my life, this is Harry Potter, these books was written by the british woman J.K. Rowling, I think these book don’t has an important content, but is in important in my life because with these I stared to read very much, I understand that one book I travel in my mind to others worlds, you can imagine something you never see in your life and this always unique.
When I read all books to Harry Potter´s saga to make before I saw to movies about this books and when I read, I was feeling to be another lead in the book!!! This history about adventure by one child and friends to start for struggle to destroy a “who must not be named” and this adventure to be full to emotions.
So, I remember that the book one, two and three of Harry Potter I must read in the school, my teacher loved to read science fiction. After, I decided to read the books four, five, six and seven; I need to know how to finish this history!!!!

After I went to cinema for I saw the eight movies! But I prefered books!

jueves, 13 de junio de 2013

"Living on my own.... (8)" Freddie Mercury, the best!

Hello dear classmates!

This week I talk about one person I will meet, he is dead, but I am sure many people would like to meet; this is Freddie Mercury, singer to legendary British band Queen.
I don’t remember when first time that I listen Queen, My mom was listening, she like very much this band and always listened, I believe that for my mother I like something legendary bands. So, I like to meet Freddie Mercury because I think he was amazing; his voice and style, I love to see concerts videos; his love for the music and his innate talent was unique and I believe never the fans people to see other Freddie Mercury. Anyway, I talk with him about his history, when he studies theatre and how these experiences influence her job in the music world, the meaning of Queen in his life and what things inspired the song’s lyrics.

When I sad, I like very much to listen my favorite song of Queen, this is “The show must go on”;
"Inside my heart is breaking
my make up may be flaking
but my smile still stays on..."

I remember with this lyric and sound that existing many small details that people forget.

One short day in my holiday....

Hello Classmates! Long time to see you, I forget to write in my blog!

Well, I talk about when I and My friend Camilo climbed to San Cristobal hill. So, I live in curacavi, near to Santiago, when I travel to Santiago, always I see this hill, but I never interested for to go up. But the last holiday I was boring and Camilo send me and proposed this activity.

We took a bus and arrived to subway, traveled since Ecuador until Baquedano, in this station we go down, walked between Barrio Bellavista and arrived at the foot of hill; we started to go up while spoke about different topics, take a pictures, but we had a problem, were tired because in holidays smoke too much! Anyway, we continue until the place that all people visited when go up this hill; the virgin! But we wanted met other places in this hill! We walked until a place deserted, but had something fantastic; we observed Santiago in 360°, you can see all in the city, we were amazing because didn´t find Santiago set out, we took many pictures and were in silence. I think in this moment; as small and big that was all since this place.

domingo, 19 de mayo de 2013

Historic Royal Palaces

Hello classmates!

We know in London an Europe in general existing different place where people go for diversion, look for revive historic moment for country and the world and too for learn about wonderful landscape and majestic buildings. Anyway, Historic Royal Palaces provide to people five majestic structure; Tower of London, Hampton Court Palace, Banqueting House, Kensington Palace, Kew Palace. In this place, they hope to communicate to different person in the world the last events to be important currently. So, How to arrive for this place; in a bus, London Underground, by train, bicycle, in some for example Tower of London people can arrive in a boat. Beside,  the cost to get in is between 21.45 and 5.00, in the Kew Palace is free, too existing special tour with price. So, I like very much see buildings, its structure, forms and colors, beside exclusive details.

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013

¡¡Golden Wedding!!

Hello Classmates!

I will talk about an important celebration in my family, Golden Wedding between my grandmother and my grandfather, my mother’s parents. This event was to August 5th at 2005. Anyway, I remembered we took some month organized this moment, but was funny…. My grandparents decided married again through Catholic´s church, after 50 years together; she used a beautiful white dress!!! And cousins decorated church and organized the ceremony, but the most important for all family were the party before went to wedding!

My grandparents have 8 daughters, 4 men and 4 women, they organized a party in grandparent’s house in Curacaví, invited all family and friends, that many people I didn’t know, but in this event meet and this was great. A house had a beautiful decorations, a long table and others circular tables, had flowers in all parts and ribbons to different colors. Also had game how taca-taca, ping pong, karaoke and others.

So, all people arrived to the church approximately 5 o’clock, we listen words to grandparents, uncles, cousins and friends, took a pictures, ate, drank and danced all night until 7 in the morning. This celebration I will never forget, I like wedding but a golden wedding is amazing!

lunes, 29 de abril de 2013

My friend

Hello classmates!

 I will talk about my friends in theatre’s group; this was conformed on May 2008, in this time being 8 people, Camilo and Claudio to be friends, but Claudio is the best, we met in the school Curacavi college, with he spoke about any topics for many time! However, when you worked with a group about something that you enjoy doing and with special person in your heart, you started know this, but other way, is wonderful and in this space we find my best friend. So, I like Claudio, is natural, sometimes too sincere, but he always to be when you need entertain or only speak. So, we graduate in the school, he started study sociology in and I high school, in different places.  In this moment, we saw not much time, but when spoke, I felt that time without his company didn’t exist. The last Summer Claudio moved to Argentina, city La Plata, for dreams he had, he dream to study composition in Universidad de La Plata, he went, we always speak by facebook, I talk about his days and I also. I feel sad because he not to be and happy because he is realizing his dream.

miércoles, 24 de abril de 2013

Biblioteca Nacional

Hi classmates! I will talk about a building to like me, La biblioteca Nacional de Chile, this construct to 1925 in Santiago, but existing since 1813. However, I like this structure because is a blend, style gothic impressive, interior of structure, have equal style for external; the floor is similar to Chess’s top, with big and pillar’s circular that hold a beautiful crystal ceiling of different forms and colors, have many room for different activities make in this place; room to reading, mapoteca, library and function room. I remember to meet this place since five years with my classmates in the school coming to visit. So, a people used this place, is important because have historical archive that we don’t forget, its architecture is unique compared with new structures to built in last years. But I think the people to visit this place live to another parts; other country or commune, maybe because this people appreciate space dedicated to progress in art and culture, I had seen people in Santiago Centro enter for the structure only went to the bathroom. Anyway, I went to the biblioteca nacional when I need to read and relax to seek interesting book that I know don’t find in other places.

martes, 16 de abril de 2013

Special place

Hi friends! I will talk about my favorite photograph. This I took two years ago, in my vacations, before start to study geography. So I traveled to different places but I never thought to find a beautiful place so near Santiago, I and “special person” in that moment, went to Isla Negra for two weeks, walked for different landscape and some day found this wonderful place. In this moment I feel free; wind in my hair, in my body, an indescribable emotion. When I see this picture to think we the smaller than a sea and sky, I don’t know how existing a lot things, situation and millions of people in the world. Also, I think and feel is amazing to know that sky, I smile to see, in another part in world, be other person to contemplate and maybe in this moment also smile. However, I remember little details and think the life have many reason to give meaning.

lunes, 8 de abril de 2013

My first concert!

Hi Classmates! In this day I will talk about a first concert I went. In December 2011 Babasonicos, an argentine band, arrived to Santiago a Coupolican’s theatre, I liked this band, I didn’t have money but my boyfriend in this time participated in a competition in the electronic newspaper Emol for two tickets. This competition consisted in published a funny comment with song’s letters to argentine band…. And he won! But existed a problem, I didn’t live in Santiago and he had final oral test to first year studying law. So, we decided don’t went, and I traveled to Curacaví and he waited to give his test in Santiago. When I arrived to my house I had wish to go a concert… A time ran and I told me “Kassandra, you must go”, and took shower, ate food and catched a bus to 21’o clock, arrived to Santiago at 22 hours and our concert start now and my boyfriend just finished oral test. We found in subway Baquedano, and took a minibus until 2 blocks the theatre; we ran and arrived at 23 hours. The Caupolican packed with fans people! The atmosphere in this place was amazing! In this day star love Babasonicos and this kind of music!

lunes, 1 de abril de 2013

For one day amazing...

I remembered my holidays with my boyfriend in 2012… I went to Puerto Varas, I was visiting my uncle and her family, and Javier, my boyfriend, went with his family to Licanray for three weeks. We didn’t see for 2 weeks and decided pair up in intermediate place, we chose to see in Valdivia. I was to traveled Valdivia in 2008 with my family until chiloe, I love the South of Chile, I like this city, but in February to 2012, I traveled since Puerto Varas until Chiloe and he traveled since Licanray until Valdivia. I took 4 hours in a bus to arrive and he 3 hours. We walked for different places in this city, but my favorite was in Universidad Austral, this is Parque botánico, this place using for students to ranger engineering and professional in this area. The landscape I marveled, all is green, this day was raining and we forgot the world for some minutes.

lunes, 25 de marzo de 2013

Technology... simplifing life

I like to play with my cell phone, I remember before this it  were a big piece of technology, and people were impress, because were  new manner to communicate with others people. My first cell phone gotten in party’s Christmas to 2005, which were small, blue, with keyboard and screen green. In this way, I received four cells phone in my life. But I bought a new cell phone it in January 2013, Total different comparative earlier, this have a touch screen, the most different to comparative the last models. I used this piece of technology for call and send message when I need, but latest I can listen music, play games, connect to internet, takes a beautiful pictures and others applications. I like anything piece of technology, because I am communicate always with my friend and the world, I growth in this revolution and development, I don’t imagine my life without this objects.

miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2013

The favorites..... first part!

Hi, my name is kassandra, I am studing geography at Universidad de Chile. This is my blog; I like to prefer show to you my favorites activities how teather, music and books. In this moment I talk about the best band for me “Depeche Mode”. Depeche Mode is a british band devoted electronic music, this band is considerate “rock electronic music fathers”, with thirteen albums since consolidation band in 1980. My favorite song is Enjoy the Silence, within, Violator’s Album in 1992. Between betters others songs is; walking in my shoes, personal jesus, it´s no good, never let me down again, policy of truth, everything counts, Strangelove , behind the wheel and others song with many mixture style to pop, rock and electronic music.